miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Opposing Viewpoints on Global Warming

Being such an important issue as it is, there is an amazing amount of viewpoints about global warming, its causes, effects and general impact on the ecosystem and society. Some of those viewpoints are summarized in here.

1) Global Warming is mainly hysteria from the media.
For years, environmental alarmists have argumented that the Earth is heating up due to human activity. Few have made the keen observation that the earth is warming naturally as it overcomes the effects of the Little Ice Age that had plagued the globe until the mid-nineteenth century. Instead, the hysteria over global warming has become a widespread belief, and it has been reinforced by the ignorant media that increases the people's fears.

2) Global Warming is not a serious problem at all.
Dennis Behreandt, author of  "Global-Warming: Myths Exposed" has a very well-established viewpoint. He claims that many scientists maintain that carbon emissions are not the cause of climate change. According to Behreandt, some scientists suggest that despite substantial increases in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the decades following World War II, the world in fact began to cool, which is evidence that there is no relation between CO2 emissions and global warming.

3) Global Warming will be beneficial.
According to Dennis Avery, director of the Center for Global Food Issues within the Hudson Institute, a warmer earth will result in large forests, a decrease in climate-related disasters, increased food production, and a healthier human population. He described a medieval period when temperatures increased by an amount similar to what is currently forecasted, and argued that this warming had a favorable impact on the world's population at the time.

4) Global Warming is a serious threat caused by human activity.
According to Ross Gelbspan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, a cause of the global heating trend is the millions of tons of gases such as carbon dioxide that humans pump into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. These gases trap heat, raise the average global temperature, and indirectly cause many negative effects, including floods, storms, and droughts. 


My viewpoint?
I actually have an extremely mixed viewpoint, as I believe that Global Warming will pose a threat for our generation and the few next to come with all the climate anomalies that it brings such as droughts or stronger hurricanes. However, I don't believe that it's affected by human activities. I think that it's mainly the world's climate cycle that is acting unaltered. I also hope that it also brings appropriate conditions whenever it's over, as one of the viewpoints states. That viewpoint is well-sustained and very plausible.

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