miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Population Pyramids

Also called age-sex pyramids, they show how many individuals are alive in different age groups (called cohorts) in a country or region for any given year. They also show the male-female ratio. Population numbers are on the x-axis and age groups are on the y-axis.

Types of pyramids:

  • Stage 1: Expanding - High CBR, rapid fall in each upward age group due to high CDR, short life expectancy.
  • Stage 2: Expanding - High CBR, fall in CDR as more individuals live to middle age, slightly longer life expectancy.
  • Stage 3: Stationary - Declining CBR, low CDR, More individuals live to old age.
  • Stage 4: Contracting - Low CBR, low CDR, higher dependency ratio (those that cannot work), longer life expectancy
  • LEDCs tend to be in stage 1 or 2
  • MEDCs tend to be in stage 3 or 4

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